Stargazing—Week of Aug. 26th through Sept. 1, 2019



Stargazing—Week of Aug. 26th through Sept. 1, 2019 There are three trines to Uranus this week, as the Sun moves into Virgo. You can look for, anticipate, and enjoy a very happy ending to the summer months....


Stargazing — Week of Aug. 19th through Aug. 25th, 2019   This is a change of energies week as the Sun, and two other planets enter the sign of Virgo; this is the sign of hard work...


Stargazing — Week of August 12th through August 18th, 2019 The Aquarius Full Moon is the excitement for this week, The week brings change, and you have been feeling it coming for the last week.The planets involved in next...


Stargazing — Week of Aug. 5th through Aug. 11th, 2019 This week has a certain feeling of sunshine, rainbows. It’s Jupiter’s week, as the planet turns direct and begins to move in a forward direction after five month of...


Stargazing — Week of July 29th through August 4th, 2019 We can expect a lot of turbulence and chaos as we walk through the transition from July into August. A general feeling of uneasiness prevails through Wednesday because Uranus...


STARGAZING — Week of July 22nd through July 28th, 2019 As Mercury retrograde aligns with the Sun, the Sun slips into sunny Leo.   It promised to be a bright and beautiful week with Royal Leo welcoming two planets into...


Stargazing — Week of July 15th through July 21st, 2019 This promises to be a confusing week at best. There is a partial Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday, July 16th at25 degrees Capricorn. Venus is under attack and Mercury is...


STARGAZING — Week of June 24th through June 30th, 2019

Communications and your self-identity are the focus this week, as Mercury enters its storm to go retrograde in July. A Venus-Neptune square on Monday can signal some uncomfortable moments with...


Stargazing—Week of June 17th through June 23rd, 2019 This week brings us the Summer Solstice, a highly sensitive Full Moon, a potentially dangerous encounter between Mars and Pluto, a retrograde for Neptune while Venus and Jupiter make...


Stargazing — Week of June 3rd through June 9th, 2019 June brings us a mixture of contradictory energies. Mars is in nurturing Cancer all month, and mental Mercury moves through emotional Cancer from June 4th through the 26th. Mars...