Besides the honoring of Veteran’s Day, Monday the 11th marks the halfway point in the current Mercury retrograde cycle. This brings in a rare transit when this small planet can...
An Aquarius Moon on Monday is excellent for meeting with friends and opening to new ideas for the greater good. Late Monday-early Tuesday, Mars is square Pluto, a rude planetary...
Time moves backward this week bringing a slow down along with three weeks of blocks and confusion. Mercury retrogrades on Halloween, Thursday, October 31st through November 20th. Then, on Sunday...
The week starts on a comfortable note, but the energy gets more difficult as we move toward a challenging New Moon on the weekend. The moon in nurturing Cancer on...
There is an abundance of action planets now in Cardinal Signs, Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. Yesterday’s Full Moon in Aries represents individuality and independence. It is where you must...
The astrological New Year begins with the Aries Full Moon bringing in new, potent energy. This is positive because Venus makes a difficult sign change and has a wrestling match...
We enter Fall and reluctantly leave Summer behind, along with two squares and a sign change this week. On Monday the 23rd the Sun moves into Libra, bringing the Northern... This week, as we approach the Fall Equinox, there is a powerful change of direction, a lucky trine, along with two squares to keep this week moving along and... It’s an exciting agenda this week with a Pisces Full Harvest Moon, a powerful trine, two sign changes and oppositions and a Jupiter square, which reminds you to... Staying centered this week can be a challenge with so much static coming from a disturbing atmosphere. An unusual number of planets are making connections with each other and...
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