Stargazing – Week of Sept. 7th through Sept. 13th, 2020



Stargazing – Week of Sept. 7th through Sept. 13th, 2020 There are two opportunities to change direction this week. Don’t allow for confusion to set in. On Wednesday, Sept. 9th Mars turns retrograde through Nov. 13th. The second is...


Stargazing — Week of Aug. 31st through Sept. 6th, 2020 The Moon is in social Aquarius on Monday, making it a good time to share with friends or try something out of your ordinary routine. Be certain you are...


Stargazing — Week of Aug. 24th through Aug. 30, 2020   Warning! This will be an upsetting and complicated week. Yes we have three good trines, but along with that two difficult oppositions and a sudden, sharp square that...


STARGAZING—Week of Aug. 17th through Aug. 23rd. 2020

Monday is the dark before the New Moon and is normally a quiet time; however, the Sun aligns with restless Mercury to keep you moving quickly from project to project,...


STARGAZING—Aug. 10th through Aug. 16th, 2020 This week has one positive slide and two down hills. The Moon begins the workweek in hard working Taurus, so it is a good time to focus on tangible...


STARGAZING — Week of Aug. 3rd through Aug. 9th, 2020

There is a primary theme beginning this month that will take us into mid-January. Mars in Aries makes a challenging “square” to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This occurs...


Stargazing — Week of July 27th through Aug. 2, 2020 Mercury is playing the trickster this week with two oppositions and a cloudy trine, which gets August off to an uncertain and volatile energy. If you must buy, sell,...


Stargazing—Week of July 20th through July 26th, 2020 The New Moon is on Monday July 20th, at 29 degrees Cancer. The June New Moon at the Summer Solstice was at one degree Cancer. This is an extremely...


Stargazing — Week of July 13th through July 20th, 2020 Mercury ended his retrograde cycle on Sunday. The action this week falls on Tuesday when Jupiter in Capricorn oppose the Sun in Cancer. This opposition can open the door...


Stargazing — Week of July 6th through July 12th, 2020   July 4th and 5th brought the final Capricorn lunar eclipse for several years. Look at the balance of your mundane needs and nurturing needs. This is also a...