Stargazing — Week of Aug. 31st through Sept. 6th, 2020

Aug 31, 2020 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

The Moon is in social Aquarius on Monday, making it a good time to share with friends or try something out of your ordinary routine. Be certain you are seeing things as they really are, because there may be some missing information needed before making decisions.

The Tuesday/Wednesday Pisces Full Moon brings both the Sun and Moon aspect with the ever-brilliant Uranus in Pisces. This is a time when it’s easy to fall into the rabbit hole into a wonderland of activities and come back a better and stronger person. Just be sure not to go overboard and keep your wits about you.

On Tuesday a Mercury/Pluto trine brings depth and intensity to communication, as well as strong commitments and decisions.

On Thursday, Sept. 3rd a Mercury/Saturn trine brings in a deeper, darker, and more serious tone. Love and finances have a rough road ahead when Venus opposes Saturn and bumps into Mars as well. Wednesday, Sept. 2nd brings in sorrow and loss while Friday brings in tension and stress. This is not a good week to make any long-term commitments with either love or finances

On Saturday, Sept. 5th Mercury leaves Virgo and slips into the sign of diplomatic, nice, polite and logical Libra where the style of communication is easier to listen to as well as to want to work with.  This energetic switch to Libra makes this next month a good time for bargaining and negotiations.

Sunday, Sept. 6th Venus leaves all those struggles behind when the planet moves into sunny Leo for the next month. When Venus is in Leo circumstances concerning love and finances become more generous, dramatic, and playful.

Mars turns retrograde September 9th – November 13th in Aries. You review your ambition and future battle plans and go into a re-visioning phase that prepares you for 2021. The triple alignment planets in Capricorn that have been such a big deal this year are winding down their retrograde cycles over the summer. Money changes in types and usage in 2021 – the Year of Critical Choices.