This week brings us two minor upsets and a last-minute sign change on New Year’s Eve. There’s a tricky Mercury/Neptune square on Monday, the 24th that can distort... Everything seems to be in alignment and on track for the upcoming Holiday week as we celebrate the Winter Solstice, along with two trines and a very lucky and... December holds a calming effect after a chaotic year. Mars is in Pisces all month, so there is a spiritual or peaceful warrior tone going on. Mercury does... Chatter, discussions and all sorts of communication is in the spotlight this week, even though Mercury is still retrograde; it’s going to make three different aspects as well as...
Thanksgiving week brings us all some overflowing astrological abundance including a Full Moon, squares, trines, a change of signs as we move into Sagittarius, as well as a very lucky... Last Thursday Jupiter made its entrance into Sagittarius, the sign of spontaneity and excitement. This transit of Jupiter in it’s favorite sign, encourages you to take advantage of every... The keyword for this week is transformation. It is equally important for you to look at what you already have and give gratitude. An intense New Moon,... This week brings Halloween and the end of daylight savings time. Also, there is healing past karmic relationships and two sign changes. Venus moves back into Libra to relieve...
This week, a Full Moon and Sun sign change brings several old skeletons out of the closet as well as some intense emotions. After the Sun enters Scorpio on Tuesday,... Expect communication to be a bit difficult this week as Mercury gets batted around the solar system. If your thoughts and conversations were intense last week, well this week...
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