Stargazing — Week of October 15th through October 21st, 2018

Oct 15, 2018 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

Expect communication to be a bit difficult this week as Mercury gets batted around the solar system. If your thoughts and conversations were intense last week, well this week they could get worse. Compassion and forgiveness practices are a good thing to focus on now. You can also do behind the scenes preparation for those new areas of your life that will have better action next year. Mercury conjuncts Venus is Scorpio and you have the desire to dig deep into matters until you get to the bottom of the situation; especially anything concerning relationships and/or money. Perhaps you need to pull back for an inner workout – and meditate to slow thing down a bit and gain perspective.

Financial needs, your budget, and your investment portfolio also need adjustment or planning for future needs. October is an unpredictable month in that regard. The market is extremely volatile until mid-January.

Maybe it is just time to make yourself or your home look nicer, or begin to decorate for the Holidays. Venus began her retrograde cycle in deeply and intensely emotional Scorpio and now moves back into balancing Libra just in time for Halloween. Whatever was disheveled will be put back together by then, or at least almost.

The Moon moves into hard-working Capricorn Sunday afternoon through Tuesday, October 16th. Accomplish tangible goals early in the week. Business lunches are favored on Tuesday as the ideas and communication planet Mercury aligns with the money planet Venus. Because Venus is retrograde until November 16th, it would not be a surprise if plans made now do not manifest right away, as Mercury retrogrades the day Venus turns direct in November. Expect delays until after the first of the year, 2019.

The energetic tone changes on Wednesday and Thursday, not only because the moon in Aquarius wants freedom and change from the boring routine, but also because there are minor emotional challenges to most aspects of your life raising their heads for review.

Allow open space Friday afternoon because your ambition says to do one thing, and your mind wants to do something else. Things may get a bit complicated as Mercury tricks you by giving mixed messages. Mercury trines Neptune and then squares Mars. This creates either inspiration, confusion, along with impatience and anger. This is a time to do and say nothing until the energy clears. Take time to Meditate for clarity.

Your world relaxes on Saturday. See a good movie or listen to music this weekend under a gentle Pisces moon.

Have a quiet and peaceful Sunday in preparation for a rushed early workweek, as the Sun moves into Scorpio.