STARGAZING — Nov. 26th through Dec. 2nd, 2018

Nov 26, 2018 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

Chatter, discussions and all sorts of communication is in the spotlight this week, even though Mercury is still retrograde; it’s going to make three different aspects as well as change signs, moving back into Scorpio.

The Moon will be in Cancer to start the week, so family and home activities are favored. There are minor challenges on Monday. Fortunately, the most difficult challenge is while USA people are asleep. This can lead to restless sleep or those dreams that exhaust you before you wake up. Mercury has a strike or two against it and things could get tricky if you’re trying to get out important messages.

A sharp-tongued Mercury-Mars square isn’t going to help matters get any easier. Note: People buying big ticket items or Christmas gifts should wait until Mercury gets out of retrograde on the 6th. Of course nobody listens except Neal, Scott, and perhaps Max.

In fact, there is a lot of talk and a lot of quick projects starting the workweek, so you’ll find yourself keeping on the move.

The good news is that if you get into trouble on Monday, it will be easy to straighten it all out on Tuesday. When Mercury moves out of the trouble spots and conjuncts with the Sun and Jupiter. There is a short-term Sun-Moon fire trine, Sag and Leo, that reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously.

The Moon moves into Virgo on Thursday and Friday, supporting completing all those tasks on your list. It is also good for healthy food and an inner cleanse.

On Friday, relationship planet Venus is on the opposite side of the sky from Uranus. Venus wants to share in relationships and Uranus wants to go off and do his own independent thing. Be prepared and get ready. Because this face-off in Cardinal signs (Aries/Libra) brings a face-off between me and you! It points to relationship problems and perhaps a sudden breakup.

Allow me to point your attention to the G20 summit in Argentina on that day. It will be interesting to see what those discussions bring between Russia, China, North Korea, and the United States. A big change in how world events continue is certain. It’s best to try to be friendly in your relationships and do not push people to make any commitments on Friday.

December is a relatively quiet month compared to November. Ambitious Mars is in gentle Pisces all month, which is great for spiritual activities, holiday preparations, movies, and soothing music. Jupiter, which just moved into Sagittarius, is a party animal, so plan to participate in holiday events.

Venus moves into Scorpio on Sunday, Dec, 2nd, which that both communications an relationships will become more intense and obsessive. On Sunday the energies can be difficult and rub some people to wrong way. So be loving and perhaps shut your mouth!