STARGAZING REPORT — Week of July 24th through July 29, 2023 The week starts off with cooperative energies but by Tuesday afternoon quickly dissolves into the ego-driven atmosphere that was...
STARGAZING — Week of July 17th through July 23rd, 2023 The energies of this week’s New Moon are so strong that they dominate the entire week. The New Moon...
This week offers changeable moods and energies, but is rather calm. Both Mercury and Mars change signs. Monday July 10th has warrior Mars moving into hard working Virgo until August...
July is about the creative and passionate Full Super-Moon energy and dealing with power. Other energies include the square of the Moon's Node to Pluto and the New Moon in...
This last week of June brings in very scattered energies.; you feel like your mind is all over the place. To conquer this, take advantage of the positive energies and...
Monday is all about harmony. This energy represents the strength that comes from overcoming and freeing yourself from tyranny and the returning of your inner focus and control. It’s a... Emotions continue to be the focus this week, especially on Wednesday, June 14th. (Flag Day) Try to avoid delicate subjects or any confrontations all week. The best day for... June brings us a harmonious underlying mood punctuated by a few rough edges. A period of consolidation also begins now, as Saturn in Pisces turns retrograde mid-month, and Pluto,...
One of the first Decoration Days was held in Columbus, Mississippi, on April 25, 1866 by women who decorated graves of Confederate soldiers who perished in the battle at Shiloh... Mar’s entry into Leo on May 20th was the beginning of a lot of repeating, disharmonious, fixed sign energies. This energy lasts through mid-July and puts the authority groups...
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