Stargazing — Week of June 19th through June 25th, 2023

Jun 19, 2023 | Stargazing

Monday is all about harmony. This energy represents the strength that comes from overcoming and freeing yourself from tyranny and the returning of your inner focus and control. It’s a perfect time to move forward together, building a more positive future while never forgetting the past.

Tuesday continues the harmony  with a free and open mood that provides an escape from any control freaks.

Wednesday is a vibrant day that is perfect for socializing and networking. Also, Summer Solstice is Wednesday June 21st. The next three month’s energy shows that relationship planets Moon, Venus and Mars are all close together in Leo. Look at where your heart is engaged in your relationships or where a change is needed.

Leo likes to have fun, so are your relationships fun or creative? At the same time, these planets make a challenging square to Jupiter in Taurus. This is not a bad challenge, but it does ask you to decide if your values and desires are being met in current relationships of all kinds.

Jupiter is usually ready to expand to new levels. Add to this that Venus has entered the shadow period of her coming retrograde cycle (June 22nd-September 3rd). When a planet is in the shadow period prior to turning retrograde, you begin to look at the issues that are rising to the surface during the coming retrograde. With Venus, you are reviewing which relationships stay and which need to change or be released. Venus is also associated with finances, so looking at budgets and material needs and desires are up for review.

Thursday brings a constantly changing atmosphere but Mars is providing the extra boost of energy to help.

Friday, Saturday, and most of Sunday June 23rd-25th is under the influence of a purifying Virgo moon. People feel better when they accomplish something practical with this energy. De-clutter is a common work for Virgo energy. Eat healthy, clean your home or office, take care of your pets, and/or do something to be of humble service.

Sunday features some draining, confusing energy that could lead to mental exhaustion. Seek advice from helpful, professional people. On Sunday evening, do something to shut your brain off, such as a movie that doesn’t make you think. Also, avoid forcing any situations Sunday night into Monday morning as rebellious energy is present with impatient Mars and Uranus, and that goes double for people who have authority figure issues.