Stargazing — Week of June 12th to June 18th, 2023

Jun 12, 2023 | Stargazing

Emotions continue to be the focus this week, especially on Wednesday, June 14th. (Flag Day)  Try to avoid delicate subjects or any confrontations all week.

The best day for discussions is Monday, when people are supportive and willing to negotiate. Get things done early in the week as low spirits could curb your enthusiasm and productivity later on.

Thursday June 15th is one of those “I’m tired” days, so allow room in your schedule to go at a slower pace. The day could feel a bit gloomy as you ponder and feel melancholy or perhaps have high anxiety.  Mental Mercury makes a challenging square to Saturn, so critical mental thinking and plans will not be a sharp as they could be. Hold off on commitments.

This energy will pass by Friday afternoon, which brings in optimism and some nurturing vibes.

Saturn has been slowing down to turn retrograde on Saturday, June 17th until early November. You may not feel this, or maybe will feel it as a bit of sluggishness. Saturn moved into Pisces in early March, so the next several months have you exploring your higher vision and how to bring it into the world. Also practice healthy boundaries with anyone who drains your energy.

The Gemini New Moon is also on Saturday June 17th. Consider asking yourself if it is time to reach beyond your comfort zone to come out of your home to explore new people and experiences. The air element is the strongest element at this new moon. Air supports communications, education, writing and travel.

The New Moon does challenge Neptune now. Neptune requires that you go beyond the veils of this world to bring back a new vision. Initially, Neptune has you feeling dazed and confused, lost in the fog of possibilities. As you tune in to your intuitive nature and practice trusting your Higher Self, clarity comes (eventually!).

The trick here is that Gemini is a mentally active sign and Neptune in Pisces wants to pull back from the world. Find your proper balance between sharing with people and honoring the hermit-monk. Risk-taking Jupiter is now making a soft harmony to long-term Saturn. Saturday is another romantic day when on-line dating could be especially fun. Take a conservative risk on yourself to open up to new possibilities.

Sunday’s Cancer Moon trines Saturn, the sign of the father; this could be a highly moving and loving Father’s Day. This is the perfect day for tackling physical chores such as gardening, home maintenance and perhaps some touch football in the yard with you kids.