STARGAZING — Week of July 10th through July 16th, 2023

Jul 8, 2023 | Stargazing

This week offers changeable moods and energies, but is rather calm. Both Mercury and Mars change signs.

Monday July 10th has warrior Mars moving into hard working Virgo until August 27th. You will have to find the proper balance between accomplishing tangible projects and other planetary energy that prefers play and creativity,

Energies could be tense and it may not be the best day to begin or approach the higher-ups with new ideas. They may be rejected just for the higher-ups to show authority. (Mars) Monday may be a day when you just want to relax at home, however, getting out and socializing could prove to be very interesting and exciting. Mars is active as it exits Leo and enters Virgo.

While Mars is entering the zodiac sign of Virgo, Mercury is in the last degrees of Cancer. Before it opposes Pluto and squares the Moon’s Node, early Tuesday morning, it makes a trine to Neptune in Pisces. When Mercury enters the fiery sign of Leo, it promises a creative, confident, and mentally inspired time until the end of the month.

Tuesday is an energetic, positive day in terms of work, You will be able to plow through a large amount of tasks. When Mercury is in Leo the time will be filled with mental bravery and an optimistic outlook so – dare to be different.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Wednesday the Sun approaches a square to Chiron, and just hours later reaches the Lunar Node and squaring Pluto and Mercury. During this time, things develop rapidly and erratically. There could be some “fake news”, and it may be challenging to assess external events and your own abilities correctly. We can expect contradictory information and an increase in mixed messages. Some major undertakings may now suddenly ally with somewhat anxious feelings.

However, Wednesday’s conservative vibrations promote spontaneity and dating as you will be able to express yourself without feeling reserve or shy.

Thursday brings up a time when you need to stand strong against the status quo. A lunar T square suggests that you hold back presenting any new ideas until Friday.

Friday, July 14th is a much better day for pioneering into new areas and ideas. The Moon is in restless Gemini, making it difficult to concentrate on anything that is too deep. Schedule an evening out with colleagues, as the mood is cheerful and upbeat.

Focus on enjoying the weekend hanging out with friends and loved ones.