Stargazing – June 28th and July 2nd, 2023

Jun 26, 2023 | Stargazing

This last week of June brings in very scattered energies.; you feel like your mind is all over the place. To conquer this, take advantage of the positive energies and chill out on the more challenging days.

Monday’s can’t get centered energies can lead to poor rash decisions, leading to accidents or some upsetting miscommunications at work. Slow down, take a deep breath, and tread carefully for everyone’s safety and security.

Tuesday is a great time to arrange a date, while Wednesday’s positive, high vibrations help you tackle work responsibilities without breaking a sweat.

On Wednesday June 28, the Sun is in Cancer trining Saturn in Pisces and is part of a lunar grand trine; with the Moon in Scorpio and Mercury in Cancer. This energy is good for group projects and team problem solving as well as for projects that require deep research and disciplined effort.

Cosmic Tip:  Whether at work or in your personal life, there is no reason to go it alone; tap into your group’s mind to find the best solutions.

Schedule important presentations and interviews on Wednesday.

That persnickety, scattered energy returns on Thursday with a lunar T square in fixed signs, igniting disputes out of the blue; no one is in the mood to compromise.

Friday brings us a sigh of relief when a more level-headed vibe returns. The evening promises delightful opportunities as the Independence Holiday weekend begins, You may want to call it an early night because exhaustive energies flow in close to midnight.

June ends with visionary Neptune turning retrograde in Pisces until early December.Pay more attention on the days surrounding when the planet changes direction; three days before June 30th and three days after.  Don’t be surprised if you’re feeling a bit spacey during those days.

Get some rest, meditate and allow your mind to wander at the end of June into early July. Sometimes early afternoon daydreaming can bring in some amazing revelations. Between now and December, open up to your higher vision; begin to create something that you want to bring into your life next year.

You Canadian readers can enjoy a jovial, active Canada Day on Saturday, but don’t fret if you live elsewhere, because the universe will be showering these positive and loving vibes down on everyone, regardless of your location.

Saturday July 1st is an active day with quick-thinking Mercury aligning with the Sun and making minor harmony to adventurous Jupiter. With the moon in Sagittarius, travel and the great outdoors are favored

People can be like air-heads on Sunday, so schedule outings and trips with only reliable friends and family. Venus squares Uranus, an energy that will be part of Monday’s full moon. Venus wants to be in love and Uranus just wants to be friends, hence the challenging square relationship between the two. In the evening the moon moves into serious Capricorn, which supports doing something productive.