[embed]https://youtu.be/vbf-tIwWeMM[/embed] May opens with a gentle, but rainy, Pisces moon working in harmony with the fish’s ruling planet, Neptune. Meditation, spiritual activities, reading your tarot cards, and perhaps driving in...
https://youtu.be/xl_IpKtpPKw The word on the street this week is to get it done – by Wednesday – because that’s the day that the Taurus sun makes a sparkling productive trine...
https://youtu.be/Ln5vylcE9ZM An intense Full Moon highlights a handful of powerful energy shifts this week. The first shift is a change in direction for Pluto on Monday, the 18, as the...
https://youtu.be/an0fA4zoQBs This week it’s all about action. Ready – set – go. Pay attention to Venus as she is now passing through her least favorite sign, Aries. (from April...
[embed]https://youtu.be/OSb961Zwg18[/embed] Get ready for a bumpy ride, as promised, because the celestial lineup for this week includes two planets entering new signs on the same day, a Super-moon New...
[embed]https://youtu.be/WKM-Y-lc2pA[/embed] I’m sure it’s a welcome relief that there’s not much happening on the celestial front this week, except for moving into April. Are you playing a trick on...
[embed]https://youtu.be/mD6A_0hp7dI[/embed] You’ll want to get out your planner for this week because it’s jammed-packed with celestial events. The spring equinox on March 19/20th shows minor challenges in relationships between the...
[embed]https://youtu.be/qLhH6wQ6mpk[/embed] The moon moves into Gemini to begin the week. Quick phone calls and short tasks work well under a Gemini moon, but avoid behaviors where you are being a...
[embed]https://youtu.be/0Zn_4ex5hqc[/embed] There is a triple header this week as the moon opens the week in friendly Aquarius along with gently flowing planetary aspects. Social activity is favored all day....
[embed]https://youtu.be/wqwjL5FiLJE[/embed] February ends on Leap Year Day, the once in every four years day that balances our earth’s rotation with the calendar. Women get to propose to their beloved....
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