


2018 Monthly Predictions

DECEMBER 2018 The President is about to get sick, and may be laid up for about five months. He will have to drop out of office. Although this is not life threatening, he will decide that he, President Trump, will...


STARGAZING — Nov. 26th through Dec. 2nd, 2018 Chatter, discussions and all sorts of communication is in the spotlight this week, even though Mercury is still retrograde; it’s going to make three different aspects as well as change signs, moving back into Scorpio. The Moon will be...



SAGITTARIUS RULES: NINTH HOUSE FREEDOM — TRAVEL — TEACHING — KNOWLEDGE The Holiday Season is upon us, as well as an early winter. [caption id="attachment_5756" align="aligncenter" width="165"] Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays[/caption] We may never be remembered for doing great,...


Why Believe in Past Lives and Future Lives? — Explaining Your KARMA

As some of you may know, I am able to write out some of your life Karma for you. Although I don't go into future lives, I remind everyone that we set up our future lives by the way we...


Stargazing — Week of November 19th through November 25, 2018

Thanksgiving week brings us all some overflowing astrological abundance including a Full Moon, squares, trines, a change of signs as we move into Sagittarius, as well as a very lucky conjunction. The week starts on an aggressive tone, with the...


Stargazing— Week of November 12th through November 18th, 2018 Last Thursday Jupiter made its entrance into Sagittarius, the sign of spontaneity and excitement. This transit of Jupiter in it’s favorite sign, encourages you to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, even if you aren’t normally...