Stargazing — Week of Nov. 13th through Nov. 19th, 2023



Stargazing — Week of Nov. 13th through Nov. 19th, 2023

As the week opens, Monday’s New Moon in Scorpio conjuncts Mars, while opposing Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus. This energy is truly a wild-card where anything can happen, and probably...


Stargazing — Week of Oct. 1st through Oct. 8th, 2023

There are two eclipses in October, and they serve as the transition between outgoing eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus, and incoming eclipses in Aries and Libra. The spiritual destiny nodes...


Stargazing — Week of Sept. 18th through Sept. 24, 2023

Be careful who you trust during the time of the Fall Equinox. Make an exit through the door if any gossip enters the office. The week is bouncy, between clarity...


Stargazing—Week of Sept. 11th through Sept. 16th, 2023

Stargazing—Week of Sept. 11th through Sept. 16th, 2023 Whether you are searching for new love or a new career, this week is brimming with exciting and refreshing energy. While you...


Stargazing — Week of Sept. 4th through Sept. 10th, 2023

Stargazing _ Week of Sept. 4th through Sept. 10th, 2023 The energies are shifting on September 3rd and 4th as Venus ended her retrograde cycle at 12 degrees Leo on Sunday....


Stargazing—Week of August 28th through September 3rd, 2023

Week of Aug. 28th through Sept. 3rd , 2023   As August comes to a close, it’s a time of serious thought and contemplation. World leaders are paying the price...


Stargazing — Week of August 21st through August 27, 2023

Don’t allow your self-esteem to get discouraged as the week opens. Your strength will return on Thursday, once Mercury settles in its retrograde The week begins on a stressful note...


STARGAZING — Week of August 14rh through August20, 2023

As the tides are turning, this month’s energy will feel very different. All eyes must be focused on September, as this is the time the big event will culminate from...


Stargazing — Week of Aug. 7th through Aug. 13th, 2023

Stargazing — Week of Aug. 7th through Aug. 13, 2023   This week it’s best not to externalize your desire to control. Avoid seeking validation about your projects from others....


Stargazing — Week of July 31st through August 6th, 2023

  The final two days of July have the Moon in hardworking Capricorn. You always feel better when you accomplish a task you can point to and say, “I got...