Stargazing—Week of Sept. 11th through Sept. 16th, 2023

Sep 11, 2023 | Stargazing

Stargazing—Week of Sept. 11th through Sept. 16th, 2023

Whether you are searching for new love or a new career, this week is brimming with exciting and refreshing energy. While you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by the intense amount of work you have to do and how fast it’s building up, by Thursday you‘ll have the strength and stamina to tackle anything necessary to get the job done.

The New Moon in Virgo brings confidence and opportunity. It makes a triple harmony Grand Earth Trine to eclectic Uranus and transforming Pluto. The earth element likes to accomplish tangible tasks so you can say “I accomplished my goal” and you can point to it.

Psychic Neptune adds energy to the grand trine to help you open your higher vision, then bring it down to earth with help of this grand earth trine. A sacred Sabian symbol for the Virgo new moon is “A royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones.” Find your own meaning for the coming months. One suggestion is tapping into ancestral roots by combining worldly power with the spiritual and healing power of crystals and stones.

Mercury is slowing down to end his retrograde cycle on Friday the 15th. Did you clean and organize your closets or garage? How about a body cleanse?

Mercury turns direct on Friday the 15th, balance returns and all of the set backs and delays in the recent weeks dissolve. Many compromises will have to be met following this change of Mercury’s direction, particularly around the strikes as well as fears regarding health matters.

The moon moves into Libra, making for a social weekend. The sun makes a harmonious trine to Uranus on Friday evening. This is very friendly for gathering with new or old friends, and particularly if you do something out of your normal routine.

The week’s energy is filled with love, and Saturday is filled with passion and sweet sentiment in equal measure.  If you are dating on Saturday evening, don’t allow pressure to push you into anything you’re not ready for. Slow down and arrange for a group date or insist on getting home at a reasonable hour. 

Sunday brings sudden opportunities out of nowhere so stay alert. Say “Yes,” when the good offer arrives. You’ll be glad you did.