Stargazing — Week of Sept. 4th through Sept. 10th, 2023

Sep 4, 2023 | Stargazing

Stargazing _ Week of Sept. 4th through Sept. 10th, 2023

The energies are shifting on September 3rd and 4th as Venus ended her retrograde cycle at 12 degrees Leo on Sunday. She now enters the post retrograde shadow until early October. Your changing ideas, needs and values surrounding love, money, relationships, art, and beauty begin to be implemented as a part of your daily life.

The week is dominated by several buoyant aspects between the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, and Jupiter in Taurus. The summer is over and it’s time to get back to work. It’s an excellent astrological time for support to help you achieve their goals and gain success.

On Monday, Jupiter turns retrograde at 16 degrees Taurus until December 30. It is time to do behind the scenes review and planning for your big ideas including travel, publishing, expanding your belief system, getting ready to move, or other characteristics associated with Jupiter’s desire to expand to the next level. This means that all five outer planets are retrograde.

Even though Monday is Labor Day and most people have the day off , don’t let the days excellent communication aspects go to waste. If there are any important conversations you need to have, today is the day. It’s also a perfect time to spruce up your resume. Answer some of those e-mails and go over your business goals before getting too involved with the holiday festivities.

Review the bigger picture of your life, going beyond all the little desires towards a larger concept of what you are bringing to planet earth. It will pay off.

 Mercury begins the second half of his retrograde cycle on Wednesday September 6th lasting to the 15th. The general rule of this communications breakdown and re-thinking cycle is that you tend to old business during the first half, then start to work on future projects during the second half. In Virgo, it is time to cleanse and simplify, both your closets and your body.

Wednesday is brimming with strong professional energy vibrations. It’s a great day for brainstorming, teamwork, and getting a lot of work and chores done.

Friday and Saturday September 8th and 9th have very pleasant planetary aspects along with the moon being in her favorite sign, Cancer. Spend happy times catching up with family or sprucing up your home.  In the evening, enjoy some comfort food. 

 People could become loud mouthed and controlling on Sunday,  so make your escape by going out to a movie or working on an artistic project.  The motto for the entire week is that there are amazing opportunities out there can spring up from the tiniest seeds , so be aware and keep your eyes and heart open.