Get as much work done as you can on Monday, because after the day’s energetic trine in air signs between the Gemini Moon, Mars, and Jupiter, the late afternoon... Three of the five outer planets end their retrograde cycle between the 6th and 18th, so you will gradually feel the universe easing up to get you moving in... This rather harmonious week gets distracted when Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius on Wednesday. Then it will immediately oppose Mars, both are at 29 degrees, which is critical. The... This week brings an overdose of minor annoyances as well as harmony. The summer energy is a bit all over the place. Try to stay calm, take some deep... It’s summertime, summer time. Sum – sum – summertime . Finally! The Leo energies are filled with carefree smiles and high spirits. Happy, light energy opens the week on... This could be a week of easily hurt feelings., often based on perceived notions instead of the actual intentions of others. Love and money Venus is busy on... Astrology is a tool from the universe that allows astrologers to describe the quality of time. Every birth chart carries its own messages from your past lifetimes and the... The Summer Solstice is on Father’s Day, June 20th. The next three months gives you the feeling of being pulled in three directions simultaneously. You would be wise to... This week gets off to a jaunty start due to a lunar conjunction with electrifying Uranus. It’s time to snap out of the May Eclipse and Neptune fog. You... USA Memorial Day holiday on Monday is under a social Aquarius moon. Physical Mars makes harmony to spiritual Neptune both days, so take a meditative walk near water....
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