Stargazing–Week of June 28th through July 4th, 2021

Jun 28, 2021 | Stargazing

Astrology is a tool from the universe that allows astrologers to describe the quality of time. Every birth chart carries its own messages from your past lifetimes and the universe as a whole. The focus is not actually on the astrological “big picture”, but on each personal experiences enabling the Soul to grow and expand during the lifetime.  Astrology understands that every human being experiences themselves as a unique center of the world, even if they know that they are only one among billions. With a horoscope, the basic qualities of this “center” as well as the current energetic influences flowing on it can be illuminated.

Do you feel as if you’re walking on eggshells?  This week’s bouncy and dreamy energy is defined by the Moon’s conjunction with Jupiter and Neptune on Monday and Wednesday along with its trine with the Sun on Tuesday.

Romance planet Venus moves into heart-centered Leo before you wake up on Sunday, staying in this fun-loving sign until July 21st. Venus is in opposition to Pluto before entering Leo on June 27th. Now, there is a great desire to unwind and treat yourself to something nice. For a moment, it might feel like everything is back to the way it used to be. Enjoy this time as much as possible, but stay realistic.

Schedule some fun in your life now, because planets start moving into hard working Virgo by mid July and you will wish you had played more. The month ends with a quiet Pisces moon. Meditate, watch a good movie, listen to dreamy music while sitting in a hot tub.

Jupiter continues to test the psychic waters of Pisces until Monday, the 28th, giving you a hint about what is coming in 2022, when the planet of abundance will fully move into this visionary sign.

Matters soon take a more aggressive tone on Tuesday due to Mar’s opposition to Saturn on Thursday and its square with Uranus on Friday. The latter half of the week brings a period of time of repeated squabbles and emotional eruptions. While a frustrating standoff between robust dynamism and slow-moving change-resistant powers slow things down on Thursday, Saturday’s energy is much more volatile, being prone to nervous anxiety and sudden outbursts.

With Venus thrown into the mix on Sunday, feelings could be hurt, leaving everyone emotionally exhausted.

Relationship planets Venus and Mars are in Leo most of the month (Venus to July 21st and Mars to July 29th). This supports creativity, opening hearts, and getting in some needed playtime.

We are now halfway through an extraordinary year that will still bring some more surprises and challenges.