VIRGO AUG. 22nd THROUGH SEPT. 21st Reaching for the New Spiritual Chakras Meditation: We give you a vision now of your brethren, kneeling around the altar in the temple of the Eight Pointed Star. With the body in the lotus... This is a change of energies week as the Sun, and two other planets enter the sign of Virgo; this is the sign of hard work and keeping an eye on your health. Virgo rules the... The Aquarius Full Moon is the excitement for this week, The week brings change, and you have been feeling it coming for the last week.The planets involved in next year’s triple alignment in Capricorn were as close at they... This week has a certain feeling of sunshine, rainbows. It’s Jupiter’s week, as the planet turns direct and begins to move in a forward direction after five month of retrograde. This highlights long distance travel, sports, finances as well... We can expect a lot of turbulence and chaos as we walk through the transition from July into August. A general feeling of uneasiness prevails through Wednesday because Uranus is creating conflicts in the Solar System. Monday brings a...
Reestablishing Your Connection With Your Soul By Elizabeth Joyce Open my eyes to the world – the world that shines in You. For my life that’s shining free – I give all I am to Thee Oh open my heart...
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