Stargazing—Your Weekly Element ForecastWeek of November 30th to December 6th, 2009 The Air SignsGemini, Libra, Aquarius The Sun doesn't always shine, Air Signs! Inclement weather is a part of life no matter where you live on planet Earth, and rainy...
Stargazing—Your Weekly Element ForecastWeek of November 23rd to November 29th, 2009 The Air SignsGemini, Libra, Aquarius You seem to be in good form this week, with plenty of activity to bring out the best in you. This is an easygoing...
I will be in Mahwah New Jersey between December 11th and 15th giving Reconnection Healings and The Reconnection. Meditation is scheduled in NJ for Friday evening - Dec. 11th. - 7:30 pm Please call 201-934-8986 if you plan to attend...
I will be in Mahwah New Jersey between November 13th and 16th giving Reconnection Healings and The Reconnection. Meditation is scheduled in NJ for Friday evening - Nov. 13th. - 7:30 pmPlease call 201-934-8986 if you plan to attend -...
Stargazing—Your Weekly Element ForecastWeek of November 2nd to November 8th, 2009Air, Fire, Water and EarthThe Air SignsGemini, Libra, Aquarius This week brings the Air Signs clarity of vision. You have been lost in the clouds recently, but you will float...
Stargazing – Your Weekly Element ForecastWeek of October 25th to November 2nd, 2009Air, Fire, Water and EarthThe Air SignsGemini, Libra, Aquarius This week brings a real relief for you Air Signs. You will be glad to know Saturn will be...
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