It's time to make yourself a higher priority. The week after the Full Solar Eclipse may take you to deeper levels. This energy asks you, "what do you truly desire for yourself and the growth of your Soul?" There is...
I leave Saturday, July 3rd, for New York City, Washington, DC, and Boston, MA to be with the Holy Mother, Ammachi, for two weeks. There will be no column this next week. Enjoy the power of the Solar Eclipse on...
THE OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE JEFFREY (from Unlimited Realities) Published in 2001 — Spiritul Frontiers My body stiffened at my son's terrified cry. "Mom, Mom, watch out!" As I was driving, I was blinded by approaching headlights, sudden and huge, shining through...
Heart Watch—Meditation and Heart Disease By: Elizabeth Joyce Published February, 2002 One night, Joe Stica kneeled over with chest pains. He was sure it was a heart attack since that is what killed his father before the age of 48....
My Mystical Experiences by Elizabeth Joyce Published 1992 & 2002 Was she out-of-body, or dreaming? Was the experience only precognitive, or also a projection of strength and protection for the future event? My personal experiences with out-of-body began as a...
National ID Cards - Almost Here! By: Elizabeth Joyce Published 2002 - New Visions Magazine - Philadelphia, P Let's go back a few thousand years—just for a second. Let's employ the wisdom of one of the wisest human beings who...
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