


STARGAZING — Week of March 20th through March 27th, 2016

[embed][/embed] You’ll want to get out your planner for this week because it’s jammed-packed with celestial events. The spring equinox on March 19/20th shows minor challenges in relationships between the part of you that wants to merge with another and...


STARGAZING — Week of March 14th to March 20th, 2016

[embed][/embed] The moon moves into Gemini to begin the week. Quick phone calls and short tasks work well under a Gemini moon, but avoid behaviors where you are being a people-pleaser. Say “no” when you need to rather than over...


2016—The World is Changing This Year

From: Embracing Spiritual Frontiers™ with Elizabeth Joyce Humanity's understanding of the world continuously changes. Many (perhaps even most) individuals are not able to recognize, comprehend or absorb the changes that take place. Often even most experts in the fields -...


STARGAZING — March 7th through March 13th, 2016

[embed][/embed]   There is a triple header this week as the moon opens the week in friendly Aquarius along with gently flowing planetary aspects. Social activity is favored all day. Monday evening also favors social conversations, but the moon has...


2016—The World is Changing This Year

From: Embracing Spiritual Frontiers™ with Elizabeth Joyce Humanity's understanding of the world continuously changes. Many (perhaps even most) individuals are not able to recognize, comprehend or absorb the changes that take place. Often even most experts in the fields -...



  This month is like the calm between two storms, sandwiched between the mental challenges of Mercury retrograde in January and two eclipses taking you to your emotional depths in March. Get some rest and relaxation or catch up on...