


STARGAZING — Week of April 18th through April 24th, 2016 An intense Full Moon highlights a handful of powerful energy shifts this week. The first shift is a change in direction for Pluto on Monday, the 18, as the planet begins its five month retrograde period. Since Pluto has...


STARGAZING — Week of April 11th through April 17th, 2016   This week it’s all about action. Ready – set – go. Pay attention to Venus as she is now passing through her least favorite sign, Aries. (from April 5th through the 29th) You can review your finances, property...


Robert Epstein is a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology

Robert Epstein is a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology in California. He is the author of 15 books, and the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today. This article is a preview of his forthcoming...


STARGAZING —Week of April 4th to April 10th, 2016

[embed][/embed]   Get ready for a bumpy ride, as promised, because the celestial lineup for this week includes two planets entering new signs on the same day, a Super-moon New Moon in Aries, and the Sun making its once a...


STARGAZING —Week of March 28th to April 3rd, 2016

[embed][/embed]   I’m sure it’s a welcome relief that there’s not much happening on the celestial front this week, except for moving into April. Are you playing a trick on April Fools Day? After all, it’s the year of the...


ARIES 2016

ARIES — THE CHILD OF THE ZODIAC AFFIRMATION for ARIES My NEW Path is Illuminated by the Light of Truth. I can see my destiny unfolding. As we all experience this cosmic rebirth, a new path and a new life...