STARGAZING — Week of May 29th through June 5th, 2016

May 29, 2016 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

New-MoonThis week’s Gemini New Moon highlights a practical Grand Trine in air as well as a strong disagreement between the Sun and Saturn. Although you could be faced with demands that leave you feeling overwhelmed, remember that you’re still master of your destiny. You don’t have to do everything that’s asked of you, particularly during the latter part of the week. If it seems like the pressure is on, you have the option of negotiating more time, or delegating where possible.

The moon continues to be in Pisces on Sunday, May 29th. The morning hours hold minor challenges, the kind where you just want to stay in bed a little longer and read the newspaper with your morning coffee or tea. It is easier to get moving Sunday afternoon, so don’t beat yourself up if you are a slow starter.

The USA Memorial Day holiday on Monday the Moon continues to be in gentle Pisces from the weekend. This supports you in having a gentle and flowing day, although you may have to contend with some bad weather. Mental Mercury is starting to get moving again now that its retrograde cycle is over, and he makes a harmonious trine to Pluto Monday evening. You can have those talks with someone that takes you to a deeper emotional level.

The month ends with an Aries moon. Get out and exercise, walk, dance, or visit the Malls. Just move and loosen up some of that frustrated energy.

astroworldThe first front of change moves in on Thursday, June 2nd, when the Taurus Moon, Jupiter, and Pluto form a harmonious Grand Trine. Even though Jupiter remains retrograde, this triple-header in earth signs still has many material gifts to bestow into the world (Earth signs) in terms of health, wealth, love, and happiness.

Everything is moving full-speed ahead when Saturn makes its entrance on Friday, June 3rd, by way of opposition to the Sun. Consider this a warning to you, because this celestial standoff is usually a reminder that if you insist on going over the speed limit, you can count on getting pulled over and ticketed! Beware of those drivers’ license points.

Mars continues to be retrograde until the end of June, but now it has moved backwards from philosophical Sagittarius into intensely emotional Scorpio. Emotional healing and release as well as research for future projects, is favored. Mercury moves into one if his favorite signs, Gemini, by mid-month, and you will feel the pace quicken.


The Gemini New Moon on Saturday, June 4th signals the beginning of a two-week start up period. This month’s New Moon is so well connected to Venus that even the square from Jupiter can’t stop things from moving forward. If you heed Saturn’s warning to “play by the rules,” this can be a fantastic week.