Pay attention to your moods on Monday. Communications planet Mercury enters one of his two favorite signs, Gemini, until June 29th. This brings mental clarity and an abundance of new ideas and communications. It is a flirtatious duo, with...
[embed][/embed] If you need to research future projects, this is the perfect time to get focused on what you will need. In June, you get to see where you are genuinely engaged versus where you are only putting intellectual effort... This week’s Gemini New Moon highlights a practical Grand Trine in air as well as a strong disagreement between the Sun and Saturn. Although you could be faced with demands that leave you feeling overwhelmed, remember that you're still...
In 2016, Mars will appear brightest from May 18-June 3. Its closest approach to Earth is May 30. That is the point in Mars' orbit when it comes closest to Earth. Mars will be at a distance of 46.8 million...
For many years, during the time after the end of World War II and the decades of the Cold War, people grew up thinking that after the events of World War I and World War II that someday, World War... As we complete the powerful energies of the Full Moon at 29 degrees Sagittarius, the good news is that you are opening to a new set of values and life priorities. The challenge is that you are not quite...
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