


STARGAZING — Week of August 22nd through August 28th, 2016 This week, the Sun moves from Leo into Virgo, and Mars goes on the warpath while Venus has a double date with Jupiter and Mercury. Before Mars and Venus get in the act, there’s a nice little Mercury-Jupiter conjunction...


STARGAZING — Week of August 15th through August 21st, 2016 This week your physical energy and motivation increases to put long -term projects into motion. There is also a “partial” lunar eclipse on the 18th. It is “partial” because the eclipse barely touches down into our atmosphere. Tune in...


STARGAZING — Week of August 8th through August 14th, 2016 Most of the action this week will be focused on the upcoming weekend. On Sunday, August 13th Saturn moves forward again in Sagittarius, after a five month nap. This change of direction is a wake up call to be...


STARGAZING — Week of August 1st to August 7th, 2016

  [embed][/embed] If you need a push to complete something you’ve been putting off, there’s a nice Sun-Saturn trine on Monday, August 1st, that will get you right back on track. This trine leads us into a New Moon in...


STARGAZING — Week of July 25th through July 31st, 2016

[embed][/embed] The week begins under an energetic Aries moon and ongoing harmonious relationships with other planets. Get your body in movement and flow from one project to the next. Projects that require long-term stamina are not favored, as you just...


LEO 2016

Leo 2016 AUGUST — IT'S TRULY THE DOG DAYS OF SUMMER Relaxing by the pool AFFIRMATION When the power of love replaces the love of power, then we can begin our journey of awakening. MEDITATION The Life that makes all...