


STARGAZING — Week of Sept. 5th through Sept. 11th, 2016 Get ready for a quick and busy week! Jupiter moves into Libra for a year. Mercury is moving through another communications breakdown retrograde cycle in high-strung Virgo, until Sept. 21. Make time for rest and recuperation instead of waiting...


STARGAZING – Week of Aug. 29th through Sept. 4th, 2016 Don’t be upset if you’re feeling a bit confused this week because the planets are being pulled in completely different directions. It starts out with a high note on Monday the 29th. Venus enters Libra, perhaps giving us a...


Virgo 2016

Newsletter—VIRGO 2016 AFFIRMATION I am perfect just the way I am! MEDITATION It's time to dress and get ready for fall. We may never be remembered for doing great, great things in life, but if we do all little things...


STARGAZING — Week of August 22nd through August 28th, 2016 This week, the Sun moves from Leo into Virgo, and Mars goes on the warpath while Venus has a double date with Jupiter and Mercury. Before Mars and Venus get in the act, there’s a nice little Mercury-Jupiter conjunction...


STARGAZING — Week of August 15th through August 21st, 2016 This week your physical energy and motivation increases to put long -term projects into motion. There is also a “partial” lunar eclipse on the 18th. It is “partial” because the eclipse barely touches down into our atmosphere. Tune in...


STARGAZING — Week of August 8th through August 14th, 2016 Most of the action this week will be focused on the upcoming weekend. On Sunday, August 13th Saturn moves forward again in Sagittarius, after a five month nap. This change of direction is a wake up call to be...