


Do You Know What's Going On? Who Won – Who's In – Who's Out?

The Electoral College doesn't vote until December 20th, 2016, meaning that the president-elect is not a done deal. Lot's can happen up to then as well as on Inauguration Day. If you can understand what is going on - you...


Oh What Now? Mercury Retrogrades Over The 2016 Holidays!

OH WHAT NOW—Here We Go! Mercury Retrogrades Over The Holidays By: Elizabeth Joyce Mercury will turn retrograde the morning of December 19th, when there will be five more shopping day ‘till Christmas. The planet will be in the shadow of...


STARGAZING — Week of November 21st to November 27th, 2016

[embed][/embed] The Sun leaves Scorpio behind for another year, and jumps into fiery Sagittarius on Monday the 21st. This is the Holiday time of being grateful for the abundance of your personal harvest. Gratitude is the key to a happy...


STARGAZING — Week of Nov. 14th through Nov. 20th, 2016 There are two things to be aware of this next week. One is about wrapping things up with your present life cycle and acceptance of the election results, and the other is waking up within. On an spiritual level,...


STARGAZING—Week of November 7th through November 13th, 2016 This is election week, and although the job of being president of the United States has proven to be incredibly stressful, it appears there are still some takers. There is an astrological joke that the candidate who has the...


Halloween – "Trick or Treat" by the Zodiac Signs

Aries pushes the others aside to get to the door first, with the largest trick/treat bag. Taurus will only eat the finest of Swiss chocolates, and loves to get money. Gemini goes around the neighborhood once, changes costumes and goes...