June brings us a mixture of contradictory energies. Mars is in nurturing Cancer all month, and mental Mercury moves through emotional Cancer from June 4th through the 26th. Mars and Mercury are not overly comfortable in emotional signs, and... This week brings in two tricky planet alignments that could be important turning points in your life. Mercury, now in Gemini, starts things off mid-week as it clashes with Neptune and Jupiter, causing a T square of action. The...
The Moon moves through Sagittarius on Monday, perfect for philosophical conversations or a trip into the great outdoors. If you’ve been itching to move forward with your projects this could bee your week. The action begins on Tuesday, when the... The high point this week is a lucky face-off between Mars and Jupiter. There is not much Stargazing activity to point to for the May planetary energies, so hopefully that means you can tend to a wide variety of... There are three main events this week which include the heavy hitting planets; Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, and Mars. Earth Day is on Monday when the Sun aligns with cutting-edge technology Uranus. You can look forward to some unexpected changes. Because...
TAURUS AFFIRMATION Allowing me to change my belief system helps me to evolve into the person I really am MEDITATION MAY FLOWERS BRING JOY, WONDERMENT, AND BEAUTY The Life That Makes All Things New As you accept with patience and...
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