


Stargazing — Week of Sept. 23rd to Sept. 29, 2019

We enter Fall and reluctantly leave Summer behind, along with two squares and a sign change this week. On Monday the 23rd the Sun moves into Libra, bringing the Northern Hemisphere the Autumnal Equinox. Libra, the sign of balanced scales,...


Libra 2019

Newsletter—LIBRA 2019 AFFIRMATION It's time to put my own needs first! MEDITATION It's time to dress and enjoy the fall. MEDITATION Fall brings the time to clean up, clean out and prepare for a tough, snowy,  and cold winter -...


Stargazing — Week of Sept. 16th through Sept. 22nd, 2019 This week, as we approach the Fall Equinox, there is a powerful change of direction, a lucky trine, along with two squares to keep this week moving along and exciting. The Moon is in Aries on Sunday and Monday....


Stargazing — Week of Sept. 9th through Sept. 15th, 2019   It’s an exciting agenda this week with a Pisces Full Harvest Moon, a powerful trine, two sign changes and oppositions and a Jupiter square, which reminds you to stop and think things through. Tend to routine tasks Monday...


Stargazing—Week of Sept. 2nd through Sept. 8th, 2019 Staying centered this week can be a challenge with so much static coming from a disturbing atmosphere. An unusual number of planets are making connections with each other and almost every area of life will be under scrutiny. However,...


Stargazing—Week of Aug. 26th through Sept. 1, 2019 There are three trines to Uranus this week, as the Sun moves into Virgo. You can look for, anticipate, and enjoy a very happy ending to the summer months. On August 21st and 24th, personal planets Venus and Mars...