An Aquarius Moon on Monday is excellent for meeting with friends and opening to new ideas for the greater good. Late Monday-early Tuesday, Mars is square Pluto, a rude planetary combination. Election Day could be tricky with this difficult square...
Time moves backward this week bringing a slow down along with three weeks of blocks and confusion. Mercury retrogrades on Halloween, Thursday, October 31st through November 20th. Then, on Sunday we turn the cocks back from Daylight Savings to Standard...
SCORPIO AFFIRMATION This is my lucky time of year. I have the ability to be successful in any career I choose! It's time to fall back with our clocks and prepare for winter. We may never be remembered for doing...
The week starts on a comfortable note, but the energy gets more difficult as we move toward a challenging New Moon on the weekend. The moon in nurturing Cancer on Sunday, Oct. 20th. Adding to this is loving Venus making...
There is an abundance of action planets now in Cardinal Signs, Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. Yesterday’s Full Moon in Aries represents individuality and independence. It is where you must pull yourself up by the proverbial bootstraps and pioneer a...
The astrological New Year begins with the Aries Full Moon bringing in new, potent energy. This is positive because Venus makes a difficult sign change and has a wrestling match with Uranus along the way. When Venus was in Libra,...
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