


STARGAZING — Week of June 1st through June 7th, 2020 This is going to be a week that begins the strongest astral intensity we have had in eons. The Action will remain with us all month, and the after effects will linger until the Fall Equinox. Since Venus continues...


STARGAZING — May 25th through May 31st, 2020 This promises to be a quiet holiday week. The celebrated Memorial Day, Monday, May 25th brings a watery trine with the Moon and Mars that focuses on your family and people who are needy. The trine offers intuitive courage...


Gemini 2020

Newsletter—GEMINI 2020 AFFIRMATION It's time to allow my life to retrograde! Revise, replenish and renew. MEDITATION It"s Summertime, Summertime, Some Some Summertime! MEDITATION CHANGE IS A COMING—BUT YOUR LIFE CAN MAKE ALL THINGS NEW As you accept with patience and...


Stargazing – Week of May 18th through May 24, 2020 Gemini the Grand Dame of Mind Games headlines both the Sun and the Moon in this week’s forecast. Monday is a high energy day with the Moon in athletic Aries and the life-giving Sun making a harmonious trine to...


Stargazing — Week of May 11th through May 17th, 2020 There are numerous energetic shifts this week, so expect to hear some good news. When Mercury moves into Gemini on Monday, May 11th, it brings a positive energy and uplifting news over the next three weeks. This is an...


STARGAZING _ Week of May 4th through May 10th, 2020 There are two major shift in the sky occurring this month. The spiritual destiny nodes of the moon move into Gemini and Sagittarius May 4th for 1 1/2 years as a part of an 18 1/2 year cycle), and...