


Stargazing — Week of February 24th through March 1st, 2020 Mercury turned retrograde in Pisces on February 16th, and will go back into Aquarius before the cycle ends on March 9th. Love and money Venus moves into Aries shortly before the Leo Full Moon on March 8th. That should...


PISCES — 2020

PISCES My NEW Path is Illuminated by the Light of Truth. I can see my destiny unfolding. As we all experience and welcome Spring, a new path and a new life begins! Meditation for PISCES 2020 Now withdraw into the...


Stargazing—Week of February 17th through February 23rd, 2020 Ambitious Mars moves into hard-working Capricorn Sunday morning for six weeks.This is a build for the future combination and rewards are available for hard work and long-term planning. Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces on the 16th until March 9,...


Stargazing—Week of February 10th through February 16th, 2020 The Moon is in efficient Virgo until Tuesday afternoon. This helps you work on all those things on your “to do” list as well as getting your IRS Tax information organized. You can accomplish a great deal of practical...


Stargazing — Week of Feb. 3rd through Feb. 9th, 2020 February should settle down after last month’s lunar eclipse activating the same area of Capricorn as the triple alignment planets Pluto (death & rebirth), Saturn (restructuring) and Jupiter (expansion of belief systems); But please do remember that those three...


Stargazing — Week of January 27th through February 2nd, 2020 Relationship planets Venus and Mars are active early in the week. Venus kicks it off when it catches up to Neptune in Pisces on Monday, January 27th. February is heart month and it also brings us Valentine’s Day. This...