


STARGAZING — Week of Aug. 3rd through Aug. 9th, 2020

There is a primary theme beginning this month that will take us into mid-January. Mars in Aries makes a challenging “square” to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This occurs on August 4, 13 and 24 and repeats itself in...


2020 Monthly Predictions

It's time to rise above the limits imposed on us by others, unlock our inner perceptions, make our gifts useful to others, and begin to walk our new path in life. Predicting the events of tomorrow with the intent of...


Stargazing — Week of July 27th through Aug. 2, 2020 Mercury is playing the trickster this week with two oppositions and a cloudy trine, which gets August off to an uncertain and volatile energy. If you must buy, sell, or negotiate a contract this week be sure to watch...


LEO 2020

AUGUST — GET READY FOR THE HEAT AND UNUSUAL WEATHER — IT'S TRULY THE DOG DAYS OF SUMMER Relaxing by the pool AFFIRMATION Whatever is dearest to my heart provides me the inspiration to be truly myself. MEDITATION MEDITATION FROM...


Stargazing—Week of July 20th through July 26th, 2020 The New Moon is on Monday July 20th, at 29 degrees Cancer. The June New Moon at the Summer Solstice was at one degree Cancer. This is an extremely rare celestial event. When this occurs it usually means that...


Stargazing — Week of July 13th through July 20th, 2020 Mercury ended his retrograde cycle on Sunday. The action this week falls on Tuesday when Jupiter in Capricorn oppose the Sun in Cancer. This opposition can open the door to opportunity if you keep in mind the tendency to...