


Stargazing — Week of Aug. 24th through Aug. 30, 2020   Warning! This will be an upsetting and complicated week. Yes we have three good trines, but along with that two difficult oppositions and a sudden, sharp square that promises to stop everything in its tracks. And I mean...


Virgo – September 2020

Newsletter—VIRGO 2020 [caption id="attachment_18770" align="aligncenter" width="278"]                Virgo - The Corn Maiden[/caption] AFFIRMATION Learning and Friendship add a sparkle to my life. MEDITATION   CHANGE IS A COMING—BUT YOUR LIFE CAN MAKE ALL THINGS...


STARGAZING—Week of Aug. 17th through Aug. 23rd. 2020

Monday is the dark before the New Moon and is normally a quiet time; however, the Sun aligns with restless Mercury to keep you moving quickly from project to project, person to person. On the same day Mercury trines Mars...


STARGAZING—Aug. 10th through Aug. 16th, 2020 This week has one positive slide and two down hills. The Moon begins the workweek in hard working Taurus, so it is a good time to focus on tangible goals. Monday morning brings a small challenge as Mercury squares...


STARGAZING — Week of Aug. 3rd through Aug. 9th, 2020

There is a primary theme beginning this month that will take us into mid-January. Mars in Aries makes a challenging “square” to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This occurs on August 4, 13 and 24 and repeats itself in...


2020 Monthly Predictions

It's time to rise above the limits imposed on us by others, unlock our inner perceptions, make our gifts useful to others, and begin to walk our new path in life. Predicting the events of tomorrow with the intent of...