


STARGAZING—Week of Nov. 2nd through Nov. 8th, 2020 There are two more eclipses before we exit 2020. They will bring the culmination of events that have been going on all year. A solar or lunar eclipse is one of the most impressive natural phenomena that can be...


Stargazing—Week of Oct. 26th through Nov. 1st, 2020 Halloween week opens with a celestial effort to brings us balance and peace in these troubled times. On Tuesday evening, Venus enters Libra moving forwards and Mercury enters Libra moving retrograde. Venus’s “home sign” advantage in Libra highlights personal...


Scorpio 2020

SCORPIO SECRETS—UNCOVERING THE UNKNOWN THE SOARING EAGLE - OR THE SNAKE IN THE GRASS It's time to fall back with our clocks and prepare for a tough winter, beginning November 1st at 2:00 AM. We may never be remembered for...


Stargazing — Week of October 19th through October 25th, 2020 OGIM   (Oh God, it’s Monday!) A square, an opposition, and a trine occur all on the same day, bringing a mixed bag of frustrations. Monday early morning holds a connection to help you have a lucky feeling, with an...


Stargazing — Week of Oct. 12th through Oct. 18th, 2020 This promises to be a difficult week with Mercury going retrograde along with three squares and an opposition. Monday is a good day to communicate in relationships, but hold off on “carved in stone” decisions because Mercury is turning...


Stargazing — Week of Oct. 5th through Oct. 11, 2020 Mars in Aries continues to be retrograde all month (from Sept. 9th -Nov 13th). It’s time to get ready for your 2021 battle plan. With changing priorities due to the virus, and not necessarily knowing what is coming next,...