


Stargazing – Week of Sept. 21, through Sept. 27th, 2020 On Monday, Sept. 21st, the Moon moves into party animal Sagittarius, a great time to communicate expansion, big ideas, and higher philosophy. The Sun moves into Libra at the Fall Equinox on Tuesday September 22nd. A chart cast for...


Stargazing—Week of Sept. 14th through Sept. 20th, 2020 The Moon is in Leo on Monday but with a slightly sharper edge. The Sun makes a harmonious trine to deep-feeling Pluto - great for sharing on a vulnerable level but not always comfortable to feel exposed. Early morning...


Stargazing – Week of Sept. 7th through Sept. 13th, 2020 There are two opportunities to change direction this week. Don’t allow for confusion to set in. On Wednesday, Sept. 9th Mars turns retrograde through Nov. 13th. The second is on Saturday, when Jupiter ends its retrograde and gets all...


Stargazing — Week of Aug. 31st through Sept. 6th, 2020 The Moon is in social Aquarius on Monday, making it a good time to share with friends or try something out of your ordinary routine. Be certain you are seeing things as they really are, because there may be...


Stargazing — Week of Aug. 24th through Aug. 30, 2020   Warning! This will be an upsetting and complicated week. Yes we have three good trines, but along with that two difficult oppositions and a sudden, sharp square that promises to stop everything in its tracks. And I mean...


Virgo – September 2020

Newsletter—VIRGO 2020 [caption id="attachment_18770" align="aligncenter" width="278"]                Virgo - The Corn Maiden[/caption] AFFIRMATION Learning and Friendship add a sparkle to my life. MEDITATION   CHANGE IS A COMING—BUT YOUR LIFE CAN MAKE ALL THINGS...