



Newsletter - LIBRA 2010 AFFIRMATION: I find renewed strength from going within. MEDITATION Every heartbeat is God's name to me. Every breath of life is ecstasy. Every night is bliss and I awaken in your company. Then dawn plays a...


The Energy of October 2010

OCTOBER 2010 Golden October promises to be a memorable month. Exciting things can happen when two passion planets are in the same sign; Mars and Venus in Scorpio! Mars, which represents desire, sexuality, and dynamic energy, is a major motivator...


The UFO's are Here—As Predicted.

PREDICTIONS October 2010 There is finally proof of UFO's and alien activity - all for the good. The UFO's have disabled our nuclear weapons, as predicted years ago by Hilda Charlton, and myself on the air last fall. I predicted...


STARGAZING—Week of September 20th — Septembr 26th, 2010

STARGAZING – YOUR WEEKLY FORECAST Week of September 20—September 26, 2010 The Air Signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius The most important planetary event for you Air Signs this week is Mars and Venus’ stimulating presence in Scorpio. You’re inspired with excellent...


STARGAZING—Week of September 13th – September 19, 2010

Mercury ends its retrograde cycle and pulls out of its storm on Friday, September 17th. It is time to refocus and plan your Fall achievements. Begin new projects at the Fall Equinox, and think back to last spring to review...


Stargazing_Your Weekly Forecast

STARGAZING – YOUR WEEKLY FORECAST Week of September 5—September 12, 2010 The Air Signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius If you’re single, you could encounter disappointment this week. Events in a budding relationship take a surprising turn and your hopes for the...