


Pisces 2015

Newsletter — PISCES 2015 AFFIRMATION My Path is Illuminated by the Light of Truth and I can see my Destiny unfolding. MEDITATION A LIVING PRESENCE I remain locked within the wings Of my Beloved Master. Held in the arms of...


STARGAZING — Week of February 16th – February 21st, 2015

Week of Feb. 16th - Your Weekly Astrology Report   [embed][/embed] The combination of an unusual New Moon and Chinese New Year makes this a firecracker of a week! The action begins on Wednesday, with the second Aquarian New Moon of...


Love is all You Need, Along with A Little Luck—Webinar

  Do you ever feel like everyone else has it better than you? You see all those engaged, married, successful, healthy, happy people, and you start feeling bad about yourself. It's called Fear Of Missing Out -- and it can...


STARGAZING — Week of February 9th – 15th, 2015

Week of Feb. 9th - Your Weekly Astrology Report   [embed][/embed] A conversation about sex, death or the afterlife may spark your interest this week, as we approach Valentine’s day. On that note, sexy messages and texts can fire up passion...


Holistic and Psychic Fair — March 7th, 2015

MARCH 7th, 2015 HOLISTIC AND PSYCHIC FAIR APPOINTMENT SIGN-UP PAGE Below the flyer is our list of psychics and body workers. This is where you will book your pre-appointment. The Fair is a charity event and your donation is tax...


STARGAZING – Week of February 1st – 8th, 2015

Week of Feb. 1st - Your Weekly Astrology Report   [embed][/embed] On February 1, Superbowl Sunday, there is a potentially dangerous alignment with the lineup of Venus and Mars. This will make it difficult to know who the good guys are....