Stargazing – Week of April 12th through April 18th, 2021



Stargazing – Week of April 12th through April 18th, 2021 It’s time to stand up for your rights this week. Action is the keyword now. Five planets and two asteroids are in pioneering Aries, making a challenge to "let...


Stargazing —Week of April 5th through April 11th, 2021 Holy week had brought us Passover, Easter, family gatherings and Spring! With all the rushing around, travel, and cooking, this week brings a time to relax. Allow yourself to...


Stargazing — Week of March 29th through April 4, 2021 As we walk through “Holy Week” go about getting in touch with your workable dreams on Monday, when Mercury meets Neptune in Pisces. The challenge is between the balancing...


Stargazing — Week of March 22nd through March 28th, 2021 On Sunday, March 21st, Venus entered Aries until April 14th. This is the opposite of her favorite place to be, and known as her detriment. That doesn’t have to...


Stargazing — Week of March 14th through March 21st, 2021 This week doesn’t get going until the weekend, when spring arrives at the equinox, and the Sun moves into Aries with a fiery burst of enthusiasm. The Moon is...


Stargazing — Week of March 8th through March 14, 2021 In these times - many of us are learning the technology of Zoom. Looks like the universe is in Harmony with us, as several planets zoom over us at...


Stargazing — Week of March 1st through March 7th, 2021 March is the month that we begin to greet the Sun once more, with the Spring Equinox on the 21st. Begin to draw from the strength of the Earth...


Stargazing — Week of Feb. 22nd through Feb. 28th, 2021 This is the week for consolidation of power. Mercury has moved forward and the outcome of last week’s power struggles take further root as a new order sets about...


Stargazing — Week of Feb. 14th through Feb. 21st, 2021

  This week is trouble looking for a place to happen, wedged between two soft, dreamy pillows. Mid-week will be one of the most hard-core astrological aspects of this decade...


Stargazing — Week of Feb. 8th through Feb 14th, 2021 This week Valentine’s Day comes shortly after the Chinese New Year of the OX, a hard-working year than can produce positive results. This is a loving start for the...