The Full Moon on Wednesday May 26th, is a lunar eclipse and the biggest Super Moon of the year at 6 degrees Sagittarius. This Full Moon is challenged by... What’s going on? Whatever is the Universe doing with these conflicting energies? These are the questions being asked for the 3rd week in May. This week brings in nonstop... This week contains several spiritual boosts within its energies. Jupiter enters Pisces on Thursday, where it is lovingly welcomed by Neptune. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, is enjoying its... May brings us days of deprogramming and the month contains a lunar eclipse that is also the biggest supermoon of the year. In Sagittarius, emotions are likely to be... A breakup or breakaway Full Moon in Scorpio on Monday brings a death or the end of a situation. It’s a complicated Full Moon. The sun in Taurus is... The Sun and Mercury join Venus and Uranus in Taurus on Monday. This is an excellent time to put your house on the market of finalize your moving plans.... It’s time to stand up for your rights this week. Action is the keyword now. Five planets and two asteroids are in pioneering Aries, making a challenge to "let... Holy week had brought us Passover, Easter, family gatherings and Spring! With all the rushing around, travel, and cooking, this week brings a time to relax. Allow yourself to... As we walk through “Holy Week” go about getting in touch with your workable dreams on Monday, when Mercury meets Neptune in Pisces. The challenge is between the balancing... On Sunday, March 21st, Venus entered Aries until April 14th. This is the opposite of her favorite place to be, and known as her detriment. That doesn’t have to...
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