Astrology News & Advice



STARGAZING – Week of Feb. 4th through Feb. 10th, 2019 This week brings us a New Moon and the Chinese New Year. (Year of the Pig) It’s time to throw out the old and bring in the New. February settles the energy down because it is the month between...


STARGAZING — Week of January 28th through February 3rd, 2019 The week starts under a private Scorpio Moon which great for anything that requires deep research and intense focus. This is also a time when information can be transmitted intuitively, and others can receive your thoughts. New beginnings are...


STARGAZING Week of Jan. 21st to Jan. 27th, 2019 There was a super moon, total lunar eclipse on Sunday, January 20th at 1 degree Leo. This is the last of a series of eclipses in Leo and Aquarius (since spring 2017) and they will not be back until...



Newsletter — AQUARIUS 2019 Chinese Astrology—Year of the Pig - February 4th, 2019 AFFIRMATION I am carefree and a risk-taker; I honor and love my uniqueness. MEDITATION The Life That Makes All Things New As you accept with patience and...


STARGAZING — Week of Jan. 14th through Jan. 20,2019 Love, drama, and adventure light up the skies this week, with Venus and Mars causing fiery energy and ending with a special and powerful Full Moon. Jupiter is making a challenging square to Neptune on Sunday the 13th, and...


STARGAZING — Week of January 7th through January 13th, 2019 Hang on , you’re in for a bumpy ride this week. Freedom-loving Uranus ended his retrograde cycle on Sunday. Uranus has bee retrograde since August 2018. Although you may not see it in the outer world, it definitely gives...