Astrology News & Advice



VIRGO 2010

AFFIRMATION: I release the past and look forward to new beginnings. MEDITATION We give you a vision now of your brethren, kneeling around the altar in the temple of the Eight Pointed Star. With the body in the lotus position,...


Stargazing—Week of August 19 – 22, 2010

The Fifth Dimension Vibrational Healing Helix is Here By: Elizabeth Joyce and Bonnie MacDade Vibrational Healing is the way of the future. Vibrational Healing is a process whereby vibrations are transferred into a human being’s physical and energetic bodies, so...


Stargazing—Week of August 9th-15th, 2010

The big T-Square is still the topic of discussion and will be throughout the rest of the summer, especially the last week in August. However, relationships will be changing, especially within yourself and your feelings. You need to make some...


Stargazing—Week of August 2 – August 8, 2010

Phone Calls for Appointment and Questions There are people calling me and leaving a cell phone number. However, when I return the call, either the mailbox isn't set up or the call is refused in some manner. So Roseanne (248),...


EARTH CHANGES—This Weekend's T Square

Many people have been asking me what I thought would be happening to the planet and within the planet during this dangerous and upsetting Cardinal T Square. Here are a few possible predictions: Three Gorges Dam in China may give...


On The X-Zone with Rob Mconnell

    July 27, 2010 Elizabeth and Rob McConnell discuss her recent sojourn to New York City to be with the Hugging Saint, Ammachi. Elizabeth has been with “Amma” for 23 years and discusses world peace, he worldwide charities, and the importance...