Astrology News & Advice



STARGAZING—November 14th to November 20th, 2011

THIS WEEK'S UPDATE [caption id="attachment_5081" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Ascension Pyramid"][/caption] Looking into the Future We are approaching the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend in the USA. Many of you can already feel an energetic build up that tells you things must change in...


Stargazing–Week of Nov. 7th – Nov. 13, 2011

NOVEMBER 11, 2011 11-11-11 A day for meditation and sharing with groups. Love is coming to the planet! As the year winds down, the time has come to start thinking about what the new year will bring. You've heard about...


Stargazing—Week of October 31 – November 6, 2011

NOVEMBER 11, 2011 11-11-11 Love is coming to the planet! As the year winds down, the time has come to start thinking about what the new year will bring. You've heard about the 2012 doomsday predictions; I am confident that...


Stargazing—Week of Oct. 24th to Oct. 30, 2011

STARGAZING – YOUR WEEKLY FORECAST Week of Oct. 24th – Oct. 30, 2011 The Air Signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Feeling under-appreciated or over-criticized can put you in a feisty mood this week. Hinting at what you want is unlikely to...


Stargazing—Week of Oct. 17th—Oct. 23rd, 2011

STARGAZING – YOUR WEEKLY FORECAST Week of Oct. 17th – Oct. 23rd, 2011 The Air Signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius The mood-setting Moon in flirtatious Gemini as this week opens, brightens up romance, which makes pleasure a top priority. Don't take...


Scorpio — 2011

Newsletter —SCORPIO 2011 AFFIRMATION Knowledge enhances my global and personal perspective. MEDITATION Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day We bow our heads to You and pray. We give You thanks for all You've done For mother, father, daughter, and son. For...