AFFIRMATION Today I share all with others, and that energy renews my supply ten fold MEDITATION Feel Blessed When You're Feeling Good - and Be Graceful When You're Feeling Bad The happiest people on earth are not always happy.... Last week on March 15th, the Ides of March, Mercury entered its storm, preparing to turn retrograde this week on March 22nd. The Storm acts like a retrograde so don’t begin any new projects or plan any trips at...
The next major astrological transit that you need to plan for is the conjunction of Saturn with Mars, which would begin in the early hours of 18th March 2018 and continue till May 17th 2018. To help you realize the...
Create your own Spa Day with bodywork, a reading and lectures. $10 entrance fee (services extra). Free parking available. Lunch: FREE! Get a psychic reading from our local psychics or our guest psychics. Experience different forms of massage and body... This is a week of changes that begin now and continue through the rest of 2018. Expansive Jupiter turns retrograde on the 8th in Scorpio, and continues to move backwards until July 10th. Consolidate any projects or activities that...
Your world is going to significantly change in the coming year. Perhaps you can say that every year, but 2018 will be a year that sticks in your memory as a shift in attitude, beliefs and the very structure of...
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