


Stargazing — Week of October 15th through October 21st, 2018 Expect communication to be a bit difficult this week as Mercury gets batted around the solar system. If your thoughts and conversations were intense last week, well this week they could get worse. Compassion and forgiveness practices are a...


STARGAZING — Week of October 8th through October 14th, 2018 The Libra New Moon is on Monday, giving you a two week window to rebalance your personal relationships. It can be noted that this New Moon, Venus which is now in her retrograde cycle, and “Let go and let...


STARGAZING — Week of October 1st through October 7th, 2018 There are two disturbing aspects this week that could cause a disturbance as well as a retrograde that effects housing and finances. This energy could finally dislodge anything you are hanging on to. It’s truly time to “Let...


Stargazing — Week of Sept. 24th through Sept. 30th, 2018 The Autumn equinox on the 22nd had a bit of a hurry up and wait tone for the coming three months. It’s best to take a deep breath and be willing to take half steps towards your goal. The...


Libra 2018

LIBRA AFFIRMATION I choose to be tactful, social, live in harmony, and  work with my partner in positive ways. MEDITATION October, 2018 brings the time to be the observer and live in the moment We give you a vision now...


Stargazing — Week of Sept. 17th through Sept. 23rd, 2018

There’s a few changes coming this week, including the Fall Equinox. Also we can expect a minor conflict and a nice trine. The biggest challenge of the week comes on Tuesday when Mars makes another square to explosive Uranus. Both...