


The September 2009 Predictions

Psychic Visions Plus The Psychic Predictions are posted for August and September, 2009. For you to read them, you must join our subscription pages. Find out and prepare for the challenging events coming this fall. (more…)



SEPTEMBER—A BACKBREAKING MONTH—BUT THEN... The Site is back. I know it has been a few months, but we have worked very hard on this end to upgrade and update this website. The predictions begin with August, in the new magazine....


Stargazing- Weekly Element Forecast-Sept. 7th

STARGAZING—Weekly Element ForecastSeptember 7 To September 13with Elizabeth JoyceAIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTHThe Air SignsGemini, Libra, Aquarius Get ready to cope with miscommunication, computer mishaps, and travel delays this week, Air Signs. On Monday Mercury, the mischievous planet that governs your...


Stargazing-Your Weekly Element Forecast Aug, 31st—Sept. 6

Stargazing- Weekly Element ForecastAugust 31 through September 6, 2009with Elizabeth Joyce AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTHThe Air SignsGemini, Libra, Aquarius Now is the time to get in shape. You seem motivated to work hard and keep fit, Air Signs. Mars is...


Stargazing- Weekly Element Forecast 8-24

Stargazing- Weekly Element Forecast August 24 through Aug 30, 2009with Elizabeth JoyceAIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTHThe Air SignsGemini, Libra, Aquarius This is the week to dream big dreams. Your ability to visualize your future goals and plans is awesome, Air Signs,...


Predictions Break…

Predictions Break... It is not often that I post predictions in the middle of the month, on an approaching New Moon. However, something's up! This is important and will be effecting the rest of 2009. Three things are about to...