Stargazing — Week of Oct. 11th through Oct. 17th, 2021



Stargazing — Week of Oct. 11th through Oct. 17th, 2021 If you plan to “rock the boat” this week, you won’t flip over, but change streams, propelling you onto your path of destiny. From October 8th to 10th, the...


Stargazing – Week of Oct. 4th through Oct. 10th, 2021 In October, the four planets Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto end their retrograde phases. This means that after an extended period of consolidation, new developments are increasingly in focus....


Stargazing — Week of Sept. 20th through Sept. 26, 2021 This week alerts us to the fact that strategic planning can go a long way. The early days of the week are best for thinking and planning; such as...


Stargazing — Week of Sept 13th through Sept. 19th, 2021 This is the week we are all testing the waters of our new focus, location, work, schools, and other creative endeavors. It’s kind of like a stop and start...


Stargazing — Week of Sept. 6th through Sept. 12th, 2021 All five outer planets are retrograde this month. This suggests that you have the opportunity to finish old business and do behind the scenes preparation for that which is...


Stargazing — Week of Aug. 31st through Sept. 5th, 2021 The week’s main focal point is Mars opposing Neptune, making it a moment of mulling over lost opportunities and the roads not traveled. Even though the summer is coming...


Stargazing — Week of Aug. 23rd through Aug. 29, 2021

This is the week to bring your ideas into earthly manifestation. The air and earth elements are strongest now. Mercury and Mars are aligned in pragmatic Virgo. You can accomplish...


Stargazing – Week of August 16th through August 22nd, 2021   If the summer has been disappointing for you and you are a bit discouraged, it’s time to pull yourself up by the bootstraps. A spirit of cooperation, diplomacy...


STARGAZING – Week of August 9th through August 15th, 2021 The world has been through many changes in the last 18 months. Many of us have lost focus, hope, and faith. The darkness and fear abound. What are...


Stargazing—Week of August 2nd through August 8th, 2021 There are a number of challenging transits with sudden and unexpected energies of Uranus along with perfectionist Saturn throughout the week that may have everyone reaching for the extra...