Astrology News & Advice



VIRGO 2017

AFFIRMATION People inspire me. MEDITATION We give you a vision now of your brethren, kneeling around the altar in the temple of the Eight Pointed Star. With the body in the lotus position, they are worshiping the ever-glowing light of...


STARGAZING—Week of August 21st through August 27th, 2017 And in the last days before the Eclipse, God will give to His chosen children the gift of sight, healing, understanding, and visions in dreams along with the inner understanding that God has chosen them to bring transformation and...


The Great American Eclipse

The Positive Energy Coming and the Perils in the Sky And in the last days before the Eclipse, God will give to His chosen children the gift of sight, healing, understanding, and visions in dreams along with the inner understanding...


STARGAZING – Week of August 14th through August 20th, 2017 The Sun is trine Saturn on Sunday afternoon, making this a good day to have those challenging conversations about boundaries or your core needs in this life. Relationships come under a strain this next week, leading up to the...


STARGAZING — Week of August 7th through August 13th, 2017 On Monday, August 7th, the lunar eclipse is here at fifteen degrees Aquarius. This eclipse month is about resetting consciousness and opening doors to new realities. By Sept. 5th we shall learn if important changes will comes from it....


STARGAZING—Week of July 31st through August 6th, 2017 August brings two eclipses. The Aquarius lunar eclipse is on August 7 and will be seen in Africa, Asia and Australia. Lunar eclipses bring finalities. Aquarius urges you to create win-win environments in your life. It is associated with...