Astrology News & Advice



Stargazing—Week of March 9th through March 15, 2020 Pay attention to your dreams on Sunday morning as the energetic Sun aligns with psychic Neptune. On one level, this visionary energy opens you to a higher view of the universe. On another level, you may have to adjust...


Stargazing — Week of March 2nd through March 8th, 2020 March comes in like a Lion! In the first days of March you have Pluto running square the Sun and Mercury. If you feel situations are too demanding emotionally, it’s the pull from these planets energy. Be aware and...


Corona Virus Information

The list of countries touched by the illness climbed to nearly 60 on Friday as Mexico, Belarus, Lithuania, New Zealand, Nigeria, Azerbaijan, Iceland and the Netherlands reported their first cases. Things will begin to taper off by mid-April. My son...


Stargazing — Week of February 24th through March 1st, 2020 Mercury turned retrograde in Pisces on February 16th, and will go back into Aquarius before the cycle ends on March 9th. Love and money Venus moves into Aries shortly before the Leo Full Moon on March 8th. That should...


PISCES — 2020

PISCES My NEW Path is Illuminated by the Light of Truth. I can see my destiny unfolding. As we all experience and welcome Spring, a new path and a new life begins! Meditation for PISCES 2020 Now withdraw into the...


Stargazing—Week of February 17th through February 23rd, 2020 Ambitious Mars moves into hard-working Capricorn Sunday morning for six weeks.This is a build for the future combination and rewards are available for hard work and long-term planning. Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces on the 16th until March 9,...