


STARGAZING — Week of September 3rd through September 9th, 2018 Now that the eclipses and Mars and Mercury retrogrades are in the rear view mirror, it is time to get moving towards projects and plans that got put on hold over the summer. With a New Moon in Virgo...


STARGAZING — Week of August 27th through September 1st, 2018 As we are closing out August, remember, with a Pisces Full Moon, that if you would like to bring into your life, your dreams, and desires, you can do so with the up coming change of seasons. The Fall...


VIRGO 2018

VIRGO THE FOCUSED - DEPENDABLE - SERVICE ORIENTED - HARD WORKING AFFIRMATION for VIRGO I am blessed and have everything I need. As we all experience the Full Moon is Pisces, we find the courage to step forward and a...


STARGAZING — Week of August 20th through August 26th, 2018 With several heartwarming trines, the Sun changing signs and moving into Virgo, along with the soft Pisces Full Moon, this promises to be a beautiful week. Monday, August 20th is an energetic and creative day as the Sun and...


STARGAZING — Week of August 13th through August 19th, 2018 The week opens under a Virgo Moon, reminding you to watch your diet and get the work done instead of procrastinating. It’s a light week in the Astros with one planet changing course and a very beneficial and inspiring...


STARGAZING — Week of August 6th through August 12th, 2018 This week brings us a few ups and downs. Monday could spin out of control if you’re not careful. The Sun-Jupiter square can bring extra excitability so tread lightly and use moderation in all things. Later on Monday Venus...