STARGAZING — Week of August 27th through September 1st, 2018

Aug 27, 2018 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

As we are closing out August, remember, with a Pisces Full Moon, that if you would like to bring into your life, your dreams, and desires, you can do so with the up coming change of seasons. The Fall Equinox promises to hold a powerful punch. Developing your Intuition, Class 101, teaches that you create your desires in the etheric realm, the energies beyond the body. Then begin to work in partnership with Spirit to bring the vision down onto the Earth plane. This feeds and guides your goals and dreams to come into reality more easily so you do not work too hard.

The Virgo Sun asks you to get organized, make a plan, and become more efficient in how you implement that plan. It is also great energy for cleansing your body or work area and closets. This Full Moon has a Grand Earth Trine with it. That is a triple harmony for great success, if you are willing to be grounded, practical, and down to earth.

Saturn in Capricorn urges you to work for the long-term benefits. Uranus in Taurus opens you to new concepts and inventive ideas. The Sun in Virgo as the third point in the grand trine, works on energizing your goals while helping you get to work.

Mars ends his retrograde cycle on Monday, Aug. 27, so that stuck feeling since late June will start to ease up and get you moving forward again.

This last part of August and the opening of September brings with it a major change of direction and a minor ouch square. Both of these, along with the Pisces Full Moon energies happen in the beginning of the week.

Take it easy on Monday. Between Mars ending his retrograde cycle in the morning, and Mercury squaring Jupiter in the evening, it is a disjointed day. Do say what needs to be said, but there is no need to repeat yourself or force your view onto others who may not be listening.

Diplomatic Venus is challenging raw power Pluto now, perhaps teaching the world that a softer power is every bit as powerful as the masculine attack mode that has been going on for so long. Complicating this annual Pisces Full Moon is warrior Mars ending his two-month retrograde cycle as well, on Monday the 27th. Mars turning direct puts this planet in a position for double happiness because it’s now in Capricorn, where it’s known to have the ability to move mountains.

This energy can lead to being passive one moment and assertive the next. Hold off a few days on important actions and decisions. This is the Full Moon where you need to balance your need to retreat from the world while still getting your task list accomplished.

The square from Mercury to Jupiter can be a bit upsetting because it indicates either over-enthusiasm or a lack of focus, not realizing what’s really happening. This could lead to a bad judgment call, so be careful.

The Moon is in Aries from Tuesday morning through Thursday afternoon, which is great for physical activity. The month ends in a low key, happy way. Spend time having fun with people you like.

September is a generally easier month now that the eclipses are past and Mars has just turned direct after moving retrograde since late June. Saturn turns direct on the 6th to help you get focus on your tangible goals.

Oh my, it’s time to dress and get ready for Fall. How quickly time passes.