Chinese Astrology Year of the OX AFFIRMATION I am carefree and a risk-taker; I honor and love my uniqueness. MEDITATION The Life That Makes All Things New As you accept with patience and surrender the difficulties you encounter throughout life... The three “trouble” planets of the unexpected, rebellion and upheaval are lining up again this week, creating an atmosphere of frenzied anarchy. The warrior Mars conjuncts electric and radical Uranus, (which has just turned direct) in Taurus on... Everyone wants to be a winner this week, even if it means stepping on the toes of everyone else around them. Mercury has been active these past few days and that continues early this week. He aligns with... Finally! Now that Jupiter and Saturn have moved into air sign Aquarius, we are starting to head into fresh air. This promises to be a week of shifting gears as we open up to a New Year. Although the...
AFFIRMATION Balance and moderation guide my life. MEDITATION There comes a time when you seek to comprehend the true meaning of PEACE, and how you as an individual may find that peace, a peace which the world can neither give... The Cancer-Capricorn Full Moon is on Tuesday, December 29th at 9 Cancer. This is the full moon where you re-balance your home/family needs with your worldly responsibilities. This is a special Full Moon that is focused on women. Back...
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